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The New Impact Hub Berlin

We are open!


With our partners LXSY Architekten and TRNSFRM, the Impact Hub Berlin team spent months hard at work prototyping, renovating and hustling to co-create our new space. We’re now situated on the Kindl Areal within a former warehouse, renamed as the CRCLR House – built and operated according to sustainable, circular economy principles. This is where you can connect with other innovators, attend inspiring events and access the resources needed to grow your impact. With 25 team offices, maker spaces, a cafĂ© and rooftop terrace, this is Europe’s largest Impact Hub to date.


More Space for Impact

From 2014, we ran Impact Hub Berlin’s community, coworking space, and consultancy for sustainable and social innovation from our Kreuzberg home. Having grown our local community to over 200 entrepreneurs and supported the growth of hundreds more impact ventures through events, accelerators, and hackathons, the next exciting chapter was always going to mean a new home with more space to create impact.

After years of groundwork from the construction collective TRNSFRM, we were over the moon to reach an agreement that Impact Hub Berlin would become the occupant of the CRCLR House on its completion. We were also very excited to work again with LXSY Architekten, the architectural firm that won the German Design Award for their work on our current space.

Why did we take this step now?

We’re convinced that to build back better after the pandemic, we need to empower a new generation of entrepreneurs – one that focuses on creating a future that works for all. Our ambition to change the economy for the better in the long term can only be achieved if we offer more space to inspire, connect and enable an even larger number of innovators. For more on our mission and vision,

Brewing change

We found the right home in the right environment at the Kindl Areal in Rollbergstraße in Berlin-Neukölln. The Kindl Areal is already home to a number of sustainable and socially-oriented organisations.

Over the past few years, the TRNSFRM team has played a central role in planning the conversion of the former Kindl warehouse, known as the CRCLR House. This building is now the new home of Impact Hub Berlin, standing as a lighthouse project for circular architecture and sustainable operations.

Where impact happens

A home for our ecosystems

We’ve also sharpened our thematic focus in line with this next big step. From now on, we’re focussing on supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in four key ecosystems: diversity and inclusion, sustainable food, green technology, and the circular economy. Each of these impact ecosystems comprises events, publications, innovation programmes, and – of course – our local and global community of changemakers.

Be Part Of The Change

Building on seven years of experience enabling impact entrepreneurs, we’re putting all our learnings into action and writing the next chapter of Impact Hub Berlin. And we want you to be a part of it! If you’re interested in coworking or digital membership, then sign up today, or contact our team if you have specific questions.