Home | Ecosystems | Sustainable Food

Sustainable food - changing the way we produce and consume food

The food system in its current linear form is overwhelmingly unsustainable with tremendous effects on our environment, health and the economy. Our vision in this ecosystem is to support the transition towards a circular food and agricultural value chain, acknowledging the systemic nature of the entire food system.

Innovation in the agricultural and food sector has often been driven by efficiency alone, with no regard for the impact on the environment, society and economy.

Impact startups, embedded in a support ecosystem, have the potential to disrupt these unsustainable structures prevalent in our society, the industry and its regulations.

Together, we imagine a future in which soil quality and biodiversity is built back and improved, global greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, food loss and waste are limited, transparency acts as the basis for informed decision making and both obesity and malnutrition are eradicated.


There are a wide range of opportunities for positive change through innovation in the field of Sustainable Food. At Impact Hub Berlin, we identified four areas with huge potential for new game-changing solutions.

Building on novel production techniques to reduce environmental impacts

Developing technology to create transparency and shorten farm-to-fork pathways

Creating awareness to shift to healthier and more sustainable habits

Expanding circular models to reduce food loss and waste

Key Activities within this Ecosystem

Hands making food together and a logo saying Feeding the City

Feeding the City – Incubator

Feeding the City, powered by Bank of America, is an incubator program that supports early-stage startup teams in Germany in developing sustainable food solutions. The focus is on ideas that help to solve nutrition-related challenges associated with a growing urban population. Teams should already have developed a prototype, which they will further develop and test in close collaboration with experts and our partners to be pilot-ready at the end of the program.

Sustainable Food Trends 2023

To identify main trends and opportunities within each ecosystem, we conduct qualitative research which results in regular Trend Reports.

In our latest Sustainable Food trend report we delve into ways we can form new realities around how we produce and consume food, and explore 10+ trends in the sustainable food industry; including a look at how the agri-food systems in the DACH region are changing, who is changing them, and the collective impact of 30+ entrepreneurs, initiatives and corporations. Download now.

Stakeholder Map

To enable, connect and inspire stakeholders in our local Berlin-Brandenburg ecosystem, we identified the inspiring actors collectively transforming the current value chain into a circular, regenerative, interconnected food system.
It's our pleasure to present you the 2023 Sustainable Food Stakeholder Map, showcasing the vibrancy of the Berlin-Brandenburg agrifood ecosystem.

Download now.

Impact Hub Global Map

Digital Shared Event Series

The Digital Shared Event Series is a bi-monthly event series, hosted online by the Impact Hubs Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Kings Cross, Islington and Inverness. The series currently focuses on the topics of sustainable food and wellbeing. The format inspires and connects our communities, facilitating engineered serendipity and impact beyond borders.

Food community events

With specific events, we grow a strong community of food innovators out of our programme alumni and community members, as well as integrated external players. We host networking events, like community lunches or "fuck-up" nights.

Support an Ecosystem

Looking to support impact ventures and curious about how we can help?

Learn more about partnerships


To create your own innovation program in one of these fields, contact our team. Janna Schlender, Partnerships & Sales Team