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Press Release: Impact Hub Berlin partners with Rentenbank for a sustainable food ecosystem

Impact Hub Berlin is proud to announce its partnership with development agency for agribusiness and rural areas Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. Together with Impact Hub Berlin, Rentenbank will support entrepreneurs and innovators to develop impactful solutions and projects within their sustainable food ecosystem, and aid the transition towards a circular food value chain.

Rentenbank and Impact Hub Berlin representatives smiling together

The food system in its current linear form is mostly unsustainable: for every dollar spent on food, society pays two dollars in environmental, health and economic costs (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019). Impact Hub Berlin’s partnership with Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank plans to support, equip and enable impact startups with everything they need to bring positive change to the global food system; including accelerator programmes, workshops, community and networking opportunities, events, trend reports, etc. 

“Consumer trends should inspire agricultural production and vice versa there is a need for increased consumer awareness. We at Rentenbank look forward to supporting innovations that realize this huge potential together with Impact Hub Berlin." - Nikola Steinbock, Chairwoman of the Managing Board, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.

Sustainable food is one of Impact Hub Berlin’s four impact ecosystems; along with Diversity & Inclusion, Circular Economy and Green Tech. This ecosystem was initiated in 2020 with the first edition of Feeding the City – a satellite incubator that supports early-stage founders in developing sustainable food solutions – and has since grown into 15+ startups with 30+ members and €350k in acquired funds. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has become the latest partnership within the ecosystem.


“We are very excited to collaborate with Rentenbank and look forward to realizing the synergies between our networks and expertise in agriculture and sustainable food in order to foster impactful innovation in the ecosystem.”
Clara Niedt, Lead of the Sustainable Food Ecosystem at Impact Hub Berlin.

Impact Hub Berlin’s four impact ecosystems describe a crafted set of activities focused on enabling collaboration and support for innovation partnerships. Building on years of experience, Impact Hub Berlin has developed activities proven to engage different actors who share a common theme. Together, they partner as a community to increase environmental and social impact. Sustainable food is just one of these areas of impact; dedicated to re-designing systems for a sustainable and circular future for food production and consumption.