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Meet the Circular Together Teams

At Impact Hub Berlin, we know that the transition towards a circular economy is a non-negotiable strategy for ensuring a fair and sustainable future. That’s why we put out a call for impact entrepreneurs working on circular economy solutions in Berlin to apply to our Circular Together incubator programme.

Now we’re excited to introduce you to the selected teams.

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We launched the Circular Together incubator programme to identify and help to scale the most promising circular economy innovations in Berlin. With humanity now using 100 billion tonnes of stuff each year, the need could not be clearer.

There are many ideas and initiatives out there working to reduce waste and drive the transition to an economy in which resources are instead reused and repurposed. But in order to amplify and accelerate their solutions, the people behind these projects need to collaborate with partners who can support them on their journey.

The Circular Together programme team and advisory committee – made up of experts across industry, academia and politics – prioritised early-stage ventures whose products or services are:

  • Sustainable
  • Profitable
  • Affordable
  • and Convenient

Many existing solutions struggle to balance these aspects, so we were on the look out for innovative business models that we think have the potential to overcome this challenge.

Applications were scored on their product, team, potential market size and programme fit.

From the 140 application enquiries we received, 13 ventures were invited to interview and pitch. Without further ado, let’s meet the seven ventures who made it onto the programme:

3Dimensioni is prototyping furniture made from recycled wood, metal and plastic. Their aim is to guarantee a long-life for their products through offering 3D-printed replacement parts.

Foll-eau Me’s early-stage concept is to reduce the consumption of plastic by selling locally-sourced drinking water in bottles produced from edible and compostable algae.

Hyve Local is designing a digital platform that makes seasonal and local food consumption easier by providing simple, nutritional recipes to caterers.

Wardrobe Affaire have launched an MVP second-hand clothing platform that allows sellers to rent out their items while waiting for a buyer.

TrashCoin is creating a platform allowing users to collect and recycle plastic litter in return for incentives.

We Are Galaktika are testing a recyclable period cup made from silicone, to combat the plastic waste generated by existing menstrual products

Grow With You is a subscription-based rental service for toys, with a mission to reinvent consumption patterns from childhood on.

Circular Together

We're excited to start working with a new group of committed founders looking to shake up the way we consume in Berlin and beyond.

Ventures from our previous Circular Together cohorts are going from strength to strength – prototyping and launching their products and services across circular fashion, electronics, and more – and we can't wait to see what this year's participants will bring to this growing ecosystem.

The founding teams from each venture started the programme in March 2022, beginning six months in which they'll learn from our faculty of experts how to become partnership-ready and roll out their business models.

You can stay tuned for regular updates about their progress and other Impact Hub Berlin news when you sign up for our monthly newsletter, and find out more about the programme via its website.
