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The right environment for change: Impact Hub Berlin is transforming impact entrepreneurship, one ecosystem at a time

Creatures thrive when they are part of a healthy ecosystem, and the same goes for startups. Startup Guide interviewed Leon Reiner, Impact Hub Berlin’s Managing Director, to find out how we are creating ecosystems to support the next generation of impact-driven entrepreneurs.

“Everywhere you look in Impact Hub Berlin’s new coworking space, you’ll see ecosystems. Signs direct you to offices and common areas bearing the names of various environmental habitats, from Arctic Moss to Frozen Pond to Coral Reef. Some rooms are named after the keystone species without whom their ecosystems would collapse. The podcast studio, for instance, is named Gorilla. “I never would have guessed the gorilla would be such a keystone,” muses Impact Hub Berlin cofounder Leon Reiner. “But without them? Lots of problems".

Since 2021, he and the rest of the Impact Hub Berlin team have had ecosystems on their minds. It’s not only animals that thrive in the right surroundings; it’s people and ideas too. That’s why, after almost a decade supporting Berlin’s impact-driven entrepreneurs, Impact Hub Berlin has zeroed in on four target areas within which its members can connect, cooperate and grow stronger together.”