Home | 2022 Climate Strike

Take action with us!



On 23 September, Impact Hub Berlin and thousands of other activists in Berlin and around the world are taking to the streets for the 2022 Global Climate Strike. We demand our leaders take action to protect our future, and provide immediate reparations to the communities most affected by the climate crisis. We want you to join us.

Impact Hub Berlin team at the Global Climate Strike

How do I join the 2022 Global Climate Strike?

Just show up – bring friends and colleagues and spread the word! If you want to you can also bring placards, signs and, of course, your voice! The more people striking in the streets, the more powerful our message will be.

Meeting point: Invalidenpark

When: 12pm, Friday September 23.

Not in Berlin?

Crowd walking with signs on the Global Climate Strike

Why should I join?

Together with #FridaysForFuture, Impact Hub Berlin is joining the 2022 Global Climate Strike to demand policymakers and world leaders to prioritize #PeopleNotProfit! We demand climate reparations as a transformative justice process in which political power will be returned to the people.

We demand that world leaders listen to the demands of Indigenous, Black, anti-patriarchal and diverse communities in the Global South and around the world. They demand their lands back and are provided the resources to tackle the loss, damage and need for adaptation imposed by the climate crisis – a redistribution (and in most cases, collectivization) of wealth, technology, information, care work and political power.

Global Climate Strike demo

How can I spread the word?

1. Share these posts on social media!

2. Head to your nearest MobiMaterial station to collect stickers and posters to share in your local community, or print them yourself.

3. Check out the shareable templates and messages from Fridays for Future!

About the Climate Strike

The 2022 Global Climate Strike will be taking place on Friday, September 23 in hundreds of cities around the world – four years on from then 15-year-old Greta Thunberg’s first solo climate protest outside the Swedish parliament – one which sparked a movement of young people to organise and demand world leaders take immediate action on the climate crisis.

The #FridaysForFuture movement is a global call to action; an act of civil disobedience to put moral pressure on policymakers so that they take immediate action to limit global warming and protect the planet.